Home Essex CountyCedar Grove Where to Find Indoor Pools + Aquatics Programs in North Jersey

Where to Find Indoor Pools + Aquatics Programs in North Jersey

by Olivia Fisher
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Every year, we New Jerseyians patiently wait for Memorial Day Weekend, the unofficial official start of Summer, and when most outdoor pools open. We spend the next three months exercising, socializing, and basking in the sun. We take one last jump into the water on Labor Day and patiently wait until the next May to go back in — but the fun does not need to end there. While the outdoor pools close shop for the winter, indoor pools are running all year, offering swim lessons, swim teams for all ages, aquacise classes, free and open swim, and more. We’ve rounded up where to swim throughout North Jersey at indoor pools for any season. Read on to learn about indoor pools and their aquatics programs in North Jersey.

indoor pools aquatic programs north jersey

Free, Lap + Open Swim

Swimming is a fantastic way to exercise and improve your health. Those looking to swim in the morning before work or during their off-season on summer break have a multitude of options to choose from. If you are looking for a 25-yard or meter pool with six lanes, then the YMCA or Life Time may be your best option. Other options include Lyndhurst Community Pool, Ironbound Aquatic Center, Rutherford Swim Association, Secaucus Swim Center, and The Connection, to name a few. Not only can you swim laps at these pools, but you can also participate in free or open swim. Free or open swim is when the time is designated for really anything from lap swimming, to playing Marco Polo, and more. Each pool varies in lane space as well as lap, free, and open swim options. Check out the individual facilities below and see what they offer.

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Bergen County

rutherford swim association

(Photo credit: @rutherford_masters_swimming)

Essex County

la fitness west orange

Hudson County

secaucus swim center

Morris County

randolph ymca

(Photo credit: @rany_swim)

Passaic County

Union County

union boys and girls club

Masters Swim Teams

Master swimming is competitive swimming for people older than 25. This typically includes pre-masters for swimmers above 18 as well. Those in these programs can swim multiple times a week and compete in U.S. Masters Swimming meets. Each program maintains its own eligibility requirements. First-time swimmers to former collegiate athletes can partake. Read below for the programs within North Jersey.

Bergen County

Morris County

Union County

Swim Lessons

goldfish swimming lessons

(Photo credit: @goldfish_livingston)

You are never too old or too young to learn how to swim. High-quality child as well as adult swim lessons are available throughout North Jersey at a variety of locations. Whether you are looking for fundamental, life-saving skills or stroke technique lessons, there is something for every skill level. Numerous businesses also provide lessons for children and adults with special needs. Check out the programs below and see if they are the right fit for you or your child.

Bergen County

Essex County

Hudson County

  • British Swim School | 100 Passaic Avenue, Kearny + 1050 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Bayonne + 350 Lightning Way, Secaucus + 6252 Riverside Station Boulevard, Secaucus + 96 Sussex Street, Jersey City + 110 First Street, Jersey City + 100 Passaic Avenue, Harrison
  • Miss Yvonne Swim School | 125 Marshall Street 7th Floor, Hoboken
  • New Jersey City University | 110 Culver Avenue, Jersey City
  • Pershing Field School | 201 Central Avenue, Jersey City
  • SafeSplash Swim School | 485 Harmon Meadow, Secaucus
  • XCEL Aquatics | 125 Marshall Street 7th Floor, Hoboken

Morris County

Passaic County

clifton boys and girls club

Union County

Youth Club Swim Teams

jersey gators

Club swimming is a great way for your child to socialize, learn sportsmanship, and exercise. Numerous programs in North Jersey cater to swimmers between ages 6 and 18, teaching them the four strokes, diving, and more. Swimmers take what they learn at practice and can compete in numerous swim meets throughout the year. Practice and meets between September and May are typically conducted indoors. During the other months, practice and meets are typically held outdoors. Many programs also offer non-competitive teams which allow swimmers to practice without performing in meets. These non-competitive programs are beneficial for high school athletes who swim for their school but not on a club team, providing them with off-season training. Read on below to learn about club swim teams near you and what they offer.

Bergen County

Essex County

Hudson County

Morris County

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Passaic County

Union County

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