Home Essex CountyBelleville Volunteering Opportunities in Northern New Jersey for Summer 2024

Volunteering Opportunities in Northern New Jersey for Summer 2024

by Jordan and Joelle Hernandez
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Volunteering and giving back are great ways to get involved in the community, meet new people, and learn more about local resources. However, as locals head out of town during the summer, non-profits often see a sharp decline in volunteer support, even though the need is typically greater with hot weather and children home from school. Northern New Jersey, including Hoboken, Jersey City, Montclair, Bloomfield, and more, has opportunities to give back. We’ve rounded up ways to give back this summer. Read on to learn how to get involved meaningfully to support the community here in Northern New Jersey.

volunteering essex county

Wednesday, June 5th | Food Truck Fundraiser for Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges | 357 South Jefferson Street, Orange

A night of food trucks and fun is set to take place at the Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges. Starting at 6PM and ending at 8PM, food truck vendors will be available with proceeds supporting the pantry. Volunteers are needed to ensure this event is a success. Learn more here.

Thursday, June 6th | Doughnuts + Drag | 16 Label Street, Montclair

Learn the art of doughnut decoration and drag with this class hosted by OutMontclair and Montclair Bread Company. This fundraiser is an evening of fun for queer-positive families and allies. Be entertained and walk away with yummy treats all while raising funds to support year-long programming by OutMontclair. Tickets are $25 and sell out fast. Learn more here.

Friday, June 7th | Roseville Presbyterian Church Food Distribution | 36 Roseville Avenue, Newark

Volunteers are needed to help pack bags for June food distribution at the Roseville Presbyterian Church. Bag packing occurs on Friday evening June 7th with the food distribution happening on Sunday, June 10th from 10AM-12 PM. Learn more here.

Read More: Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities in Essex County

Saturday, June 8th | BeKind Give Back + Giveaway | 600 S17th Street, Newark 

In loving memory of Pastor Veronice Horne, join the United Community Corporation on a day to be kind and give back. The day will kick off at 10AM and conclude at 2PM. To learn more about the event including how to become a vendor, email [email protected]

Saturday, June 8th | Donation Day at Human Needs Food Pantry | 9 Label Street, Montclair

Join the Human Needs Food Pantry on the third Saturday for donation day from 10AM-12PM. Food pantry supplies are needed. Learn more here

Saturday, June 8th | Montclair PRIDE | Bloomfield + Fullerton Avenue, Montclair

Join Montclair for the biggest PRIDE celebration in the area. The streets are set to be filled with vendors, live music, performances, food, and more. Volunteers for the event are needed or come to support the community and OutMontclair. Learn more here.

Saturday, June 8th | Nutley Family Service Bureau Rock Concert Fundraiser | 2 East Passaic Avenue, Nutley

This music festival to support the Nutley Family Service Bureau is ready for its 2024 event. Get ready for local musicians to rock out and raise money for the organization’s mission of access to mental health and social services. Sponsorship, attendance, and volunteer opportunities are available. Learn more here.

Saturday, June 8th | PAWS for Cause Walkathon | Valley Road, Montclair

The Pound Animal Welfare Society is hosting a walkathon to raise funds for vetting, medical, and boarding expenses. There are several ways to get involved with this event. Create a team to walk in person on June 8th, take part in a virtual option from June 1st through June 8th, and/or create a fundraising team via Facebook. Learn more here.

 Tuesday, June 11th | Taste of Hoboken | Maxwell Place Park, Hoboken

Join the Hoboken Community Center for its Annual Taste of Hoboken. This event will feature signature dishes and treats from nearly two dozen local restaurants and food vendors, spirited beverages, live entertainment, and a silent auction to benefit the food pantry and other resources provided by the Hoboken Community Center. The event will run from 6PM-9:30PM on Tuesday, June 11th. Volunteers are needed on the day of to help with set-up, the silent auction, clean-up, and other miscellaneous tasks. Tickets are $125 and are available for purchase here.

Tuesday, June 11th – Saturday, June 15th | Jersey City Comedy Festival | 345 Marin Boulevard, Jersey City

Art House Productions, a 501c3 non-profit organization in Jersey City, is hosting its annual Jersey City Comedy Festival to help support the efforts in getting arts to the community. The festival will begin on June 11th and runs through June 15th. The schedule is packed with many great comedians who all promise to have guests in stitches by the end of the night. Tickets range from $25-$45. To learn more and to purchase tickets, click here.

Wednesdays, June 12th, 19th, + 26th | Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges | 357 South Jefferson Street, Orange

Almost every Wednesday volunteers are needed at the Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges (the pantry is closed on the first Wednesday of the month). Support the community at this supplemental food pantry, which aims to provide food with dignity and respect. Learn more here.

Friday, June 14th | LGBTQ+ Prom | 337 Newark Avenue, Jersey City

Hudson County Pride Center is hosting an LGBTQ+ Prom on Friday, June 14th at White Eagle Hall in Jersey City. This evening to celebrate love and diversity will begin at 7PM. Tickets are $175 and include entertainment, buffet, and open bar, as well as a donation to the Hudson County Pride Center’s Scholarship Fund, daily operating expenses, and programming. To learn more and purchase tickets, click here.

Saturday, June 15th + Sunday, June 16th | See Spot Rescued CKO Fundraiser | 157 1st Street, Jersey City

See Spot Rescued is hosting a workout class fundraiser. Come sweat to raise money for animal rescue efforts. The classes are from 9AM- 10AM on both Saturday and Sunday. Participants are encouraged to bring dog food and toys for the donation box. To learn more and register, click here.

Saturday June 15th | Movie Night Fundraiser OutMontclair | 67 Church Street, Montclair

In partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, OutMontclair is showing award-winning documentary Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project to raise funds for the organization. Be sure to stay for a post-show conversation moderated by producer, writer, and director, Danielle Earle. Admission is free, but a $15 donation is suggested. Learn more here.

Wednesday, June 19th | Pride Open Mic | 100 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken 

The Hoboken Pride Committee is partnering with Little City Books for an Open Mic Night. Participation is open to all. Pieces that center around or are written by the LGBTQ+ community are encouraged for a night of celebration. Volunteers are needed to help support the event. To learn more and to sign up to volunteer, email  [email protected]

Friday, June 21st | Hoboken Pride Committee Happy Hour | 359 1st Street, Hoboken

Join the Hoboken Pride Committee for Happy Hour at Schmitty’s Bar on June 21st from 4PM-7PM. The happy hour will benefit Streetlife Ministry and the Hoboken Shelter. Various events and contests will occur throughout the night including a Pups for Pride dog costume contest. For more information and any questions, please email [email protected].

Saturday, June 29th | Amazing Truths Society Nerf Day Community Fundraiser | 605 Jackson Street, Hoboken

Amazing Truths Society is hosting Nerf Day to raise funds for the community resources the organization provides. The fun is for kids ages 6-17. Each age group will have one hour of play starting at 10AM. Entrance is $20 and can be purchased at the door. The event will also have guest speakers including Hudson County Prosecutors Office, Capt. J. Toro and New Brunswick Police Deputy, Chief M. Bobodilla. For more information, call 347-844-2808.

Tuesday, July 9th | Party with Purpose 5K + After Party | Pier A, Hoboken

Party with Purpose is hosting its 20th Annual 5K race and after-party benefitting local charity partners. The race will start on Pier A at 7PM on Tuesday, July 9th. Volunteers are needed to marshal the race, distribute water and fruit to runners, support runner check-in, and more. Those who would like to run can register for $40 here. To learn more or to inquire about volunteer opportunities, click here.



On-Going Opportunities

Bethany Baptist Church Food Pantry | 275 West Market Street, Newark + 58 Hartford Street, Newark

Volunteers are needed at The Bethany Baptist Church Food Pantry during their opening hours on Tuesday and Thursday from 11AM-1PM. Learn more here.

Blessed Sacrament Pantry | 19 Van Ness Place, Newark

Opportunities to host a food drive are always available at Blessed Sacrament Pantry. In addition to food, common hygiene products such as toothpaste, period supplies, soap, and shampoo are needed at the pantry. Learn more here.

Church of the Eternal God | 190 Highland Avenue, Newark

Join the Church of the Eternal God on the second Saturday of every month to support the food pantry for community members. Guests can pick up food on location or delivery of food is available upon request. Volunteers are needed for food distribution and delivery. Learn more here.

Church of the Holy Spirit Food Pantry + Thrift Shop | ​​36 Gould Street, Verona

The Food Pantry and Thrift Shop affiliated with The Church of the Holy Spirit provides basic needs to residents of Essex County. Volunteers are needed to keep the mission going in both community sections. Assistance is needed to set up, greet the guests, and clean up. Volunteers are needed on Fridays from 5PM-6PM before the 4th Friday of the month. Volunteers are needed on Saturdays from 8:15AM – 9:45AM and then from 9:45AM-11:15AM. Volunteers for cleanup are needed by 11AM on Saturdays. Learn how to support here.

First Seventh Day Adventist Church | 15 Elmwood Avenue, Montclair

The First Seventh Day Adventist Church aims to support the food insecure in the community. On the second and last Sunday of every month, the pantry is open to the community. From 12PM-5PM guests can come to receive food and other items. Learn more here.

Franciscan Charities — St. Ann’s | 212 Hunterdon Street, Newark

Keeping up with the tradition since 2004, join the Franciscan Charities of Newark every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 11AM-2PM, to help distribute meals and snack bags to the community. Volunteers are needed to help pack and distribute the bags and fellowship with those who come. Learn more here.

Hombres y Mujers De Valor Par | 347 6th Avenue, Newark

Volunteers are needed every Saturday from 12PM-3PM for the food pantry at Hombres y Mujeres De Valor Par. Learn more here.

House of Love Kitchen/Pantry | 589-595 Central Avenue, Newark

Join the fight against hunger and other volunteers at The House of Love Kitchen/Pantry in Newark. Since 2008 this pantry has worked to make a difference in the community. The kitchen is open on Tuesdays from 5PM-8PM and the food pantry is open every fourth Tuesday. Learn more here.

Human Needs Food Pantry | 9 Label Street, Montclair

The Human Needs Food Pantry is always open for donations. Those interested can make monetary donations or purchase supplies from the pantry supplies list. The pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30AM-12PM for donation drop-offs, and from 12PM-2:30PM. for client pick-up. Learn how to support here.

Inner City Emerg (Joi’s Angels) | 114 South Arlington Avenue, East Orange

Youth, food, housing, and life essentials are the core offerings of Joi’s Angels which provides resources to Essex County and beyond. The organization is currently looking for public-minded volunteers who “aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty”. Volunteers of all ages are welcome. Learn more here.

Isaiah House | 238 North Munn Avenue, Orange  

Isaiah House provides the community with essentials such as food distribution, HIV/AIDS programs, shelter, community development, and more. Donations of food, cleaning supplies, technology, and trash bags are always welcome. A full list of items needed as well as volunteer opportunities can be found on their site. Learn more here.

Little Zion U.A.M.E. Church Food Pantry | 154 Stephens Street, Belleville 

Volunteers are needed every third and fourth Saturday of the month at 10AM to help with food distribution and donations to the community. Those in need are welcome to come to receive perishable and non-perishable food items.  Learn more here.

Love of Jesus Ministries Food Pantry | 448 Highland Avenue, Orange

Volunteers are always needed and greatly appreciated at the Love of Jesus Ministries Food Pantry. Donations can be dropped off and help is needed to distribute and organize food. Learn more here.

Montclair Township Animal Shelter | 77 Willow Street, Montclair 

The Montclair Township Animal Shelter has pets ready for their forever home. Volunteer opportunities are available for those 18 years and older. Sign up for dog walking and/or cat care. Learn how to support, here.

Nutley Family Service Bureau | 169 Chestnut Street, Nutley

Nutley Family Service provides resources to those in need to help enhance family life with services such as grocery delivery for seniors, nutrition education, clothing resources, and more. Volunteers are needed to help this organization run. Volunteer orientations are held every second Monday and third Tuesday. Learn more here.

Salvation Army | 430 Main Street, East Orange 

The Salvation Army of Essex County is in need of various volunteer tasks. Opportunities to field calls for the organization, fill out local food vendor forms, create client referral packages, and more are available and needed. This Salvation Army services multiple counties in New Jersey.  Learn more here.

See More: A List of Hoboken + Jersey City Non-Profits to Donate to Year-Round

Toni’s Kitchen at St. Luke’s Church | 73 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair 

Volunteers are needed for food prep, serving, bagging, driving, food delivery, and pickups at Toni’s Kitchen, St. Luke’s Church. To be accepted as a volunteer, please pre-register online. Learn more here.

The Apostles House | 18-24 Grant Street, Newark

The Apostles House is dedicated to providing life resources to women, children, and at-risk families in Essex County. Volunteers are welcome to help with food and clothing distribution, reading to the guests, teaching life skills workshops, and more. Learn more here.

Zion United Church Food Pantry | 17 Alexander Street, Newark

Every Friday at 5PM, those in need in the community can receive food through the Zion United Church Food Pantry.  Guests are asked to call ahead if they are in need. Learn more here.

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