Home LifestyleCareer New Lifestyle Shop Opens in Montclair: Curated Home & Living

New Lifestyle Shop Opens in Montclair: Curated Home & Living

by Lauren Wilson-Policke
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Home décor lovers, this one’s for you. Curated Home & Living is the newest lifestyle shop to open in Montclair. The official grand opening is scheduled for June, but lucky for us, the shop has opened its doors for limited hours on Saturdays and Sundays for the month of May. Located at 102 Walnut Street {previously Layers of Flavor Bakery}, this gorgeously curated shop with a wonderful mix of New York artisans and European brands was born out of a passion for quality, crafted materials, design, and objects. Read on to learn all about Curated Home & Living’s owners Danielle and Michael Zinn, and what you can expect to find in the shop.

curated-home and living montclair

The Owners

curated home and living

Co-owner Danielle Zinn is no stranger to good design, as she has been in the interior design business for over 20 years. Danielle worked as a Product Librarian at a design firm where she developed her love for products, materials, and sourcing. She eventually moved into the textile industry where her passion for materials and tactility advanced.

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Danielle and her husband Michael, both longtime Montclair residents have always enjoyed the process of renovating homes. With their design sense, the duo understands the importance of aesthetics by making things efficient and visually pleasing in the homes they renovate. “I believe if you are surrounded by the right things in your home, that is designed well, it will bring happiness and function,” says Danielle.

curated home and living

They dreamed up the idea of creating a business that combines their passions of beautiful things, good design, and lasting quality. The idea of Curated Home & Living began as an online site – in a blog or resource capacity but once they saw the available storefront on Montclair’s bustling Walnut Street, they decided to take the plunge. 

The Zinns, who are no strangers to renovations, had quite the project on their hands as they had to transform the previous bakery into a functional retail space. The two had time to jump into their new endeavor as reconstructions took place during the pandemic, and Danielle’s usual work travel for her textile career was put on pause.

The Shop 

curated home and living

Once you step inside the bright and welcoming shop, you’ll find a selection of highly curated, one-of-a-kind, handcrafted home goods ranging from ceramics to tableware, books, and deliciously smelling candles. 

As Danielle came from a textile background, her passion for linens is apparent in the selection of gorgeous table linens, pillows, blankets, shawls, tunics, and lightweight scarves. Every item in the shop has a story attached, whether it be about the brand, the maker, the item, or how Danielle discovered each piece. She describes herself as a bit of a “hunter-gatherer” when it comes to selecting items, as she gets a thrill out of scouring trade shows for unique finds and discovering new, local artists.

curated home and living

“I’m a big believer in ‘fewer but better’ and understand that homes are not only shelters but sanctuaries that represent the people who live in them. My husband and I wanted to not only showcase and offer products with integrity and lasting character but also have a place to connect with our community and local artisans” says Zinn. And indeed, there are many local artisans showcased in the shop, primarily from NYC, Brooklyn, and Upstate New York, but the duo is excited to tap into the local community to discover New Jersey-based makers, offer their products in the shop, and help introduce and educate others on their work.

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After picking up some unique finds to help accessorize your home, you’ll also be able to take home some fresh flowers, as Curated Home and Living offers floral arrangements and a monthly floral subscription. 

Customers will have the opportunity to select a vase from the shop and receive a monthly arrangement that is sized and styled appropriately to the vessel. Each month, you can return the vase to the store to get replenished with a new arrangement – helping to avoid all those unnecessary flower vases you tend to accumulate with monthly deliveries. The shop will also be offering several monthly subscription options based on your needs.

curated home and living

The shop’s hours for the month of May are Saturday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM and Sunday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, with updated hours coming soon thereafter.

If you can’t make it over to the Walnut Street location, the Zinn’s plan to launch the website sometime this Summer. 

Stay tuned for more information on their grand opening date and be sure to follow along on the shop’s  Instagram @curatedhomeliving.

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