Home Essex CountyBloomfield Update on Proposed Taco Bell + Wendy’s Plans in Bloomfield

Update on Proposed Taco Bell + Wendy’s Plans in Bloomfield

by Morgan Rupinski
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On September 27th, the Bloomfield Planning Board held a special meeting to review an application submitted by Finomus Bloomfield RE Holdings, LLC regarding the previous Friendly’s lot at 1243 Broad Street in Bloomfield. The proposed plan includes a combined Taco Bell and Wendy’s that has received a lot of pushback from local residents. Although this application has not currently been approved, we’re here to give you all the updates on the plans proposal. Read on for all the most recent updates on the proposed Taco Bell and Wendy’s at 1243 Broad Street in Bloomfield.

(Photo credits: East Point Engineering, LLC)

The Ivy at Chatham

“The board is now back in session,” said Bloomfield Planning Board Chairman, Alan LaQuaglia. 

The most recent hearing regarding this application was last heard June 14th. We’ve covered everything you need to know regarding previous plans here. We left off with the applicants, Finomus Bloomfield RE Holdings LLC, being required to resubmit plans for not conforming to the setback along the common property line. 

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Shown at the meeting on September 27th was an updated 3D rendering of the proposed Taco Bell and Wendy’s with consideration from the prior board meeting which includes a smaller building, an increase in parking spaces, and extensive traffic studies.

The placement of the building has been relocated northeast to provide a 25-feet setback along the residential property line. The proposed plan includes 29 parking spaces, which meets the minimum 25 spaces required – two will be mobile pick-up only, one EV, and required ADA spaces. The operating hours would be 7AM – 12AM. Outdoor dining has been eliminated from the plans.

Deliveries are scheduled twice a week in the early morning hours before the restaurant opens. Deliveries will be made with a smaller-sized truck rather than a larger tractor trailer. This smaller delivery truck will not be equipped with a reserve alarm to ensure no residential disturbance. In addition, unloading of these deliveries will be made in the parking lot to not disrupt traffic on Broad Street. Trash pickup will also be made before the restaurant opens. 

(Photo credits: East Point Engineering, LLC)

Traffic was a major concern from the Bloomfield Planning Board members. Left hand turns in and out of the proposed site will be prohibited. Access into the site will only be allowed when traveling northeast bound on Broad Street. Traffic enforcement in and out of the site will be reliant on signage. Chairman of the Bloomfield Planning Board, Alan LaQuaglia, suggested that sloped driveways should be updated to reflect the traffic signage.

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The Bloomfield Planning Board would like more details surrounding traffic reporting which includes the effects on nearby businesses, Brookdale Elementary, and nearby apartment complexes. The next hearing on this matter will be held on Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30PM via Zoom. Stay tuned for additional updates.

For anyone who wants to watch a live stream of this meeting, click here. Plans begin at the 1:37:00 mark.

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