Home COVID-19 Resources to Help Support Asian Communities Locally

Resources to Help Support Asian Communities Locally

by The Hoboken Girl Team
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You may be wondering what you can do to help the Asian and Asian-American communities amid a recent wave of attacks against Asian Americans that coincided with the spread of COVID-19 in the United States. Stop AAPI Hate, a group that tracks acts of discrimination and xenophobia against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, found nearly 3,800 incidents of hate, discrimination or attacks on Asian Americans from March 2020 through February 2021.

As a team, The Montclair Girl stands in solidarity with our Asian communities — including our contributors and team members — and condemns the racism and the tragic events that took place. We always seek to celebrate the diverse, incredible array of communities locally, and are deeply saddened, horrified, and heartbroken over the events that have occurred across the country. To begin to help, we’ve compiled resources that are beneficial in assisting the Asian communities locally and nationally. 

ways to support asian community montclair

New anti-hate crime legislation is set to be introduced in both chambers of Congress, following executive orders from President Joe Biden addressing the attacks.

But still, many are wondering what local resources there are, and how they can be an ally to Asian communities locally and nationally.

One effective way to take action is by donating money and supporting local non-profits and organizations. Similar to our list of ways to advocate for social justice locally for the Black community, we’ve compiled a guide for those interested in supporting Asian, South Asian, and Pacific Islander communities.

We’ve compiled information from several vetted outlets, our own research, and organizations’ lists. We’re definitely adding to this list, so if you have a suggestion/addition, please email us and know we’ll be updating continuously.

Here are some key ways you can aid the communities — from donating to organizing to reporting, which are regional to our area.

Report instances of hate to STOPAAPI.org

In response to the alarming escalation in xenophobia and bigotry resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Asian Pacific Planning and Policy Council (A3PCON), Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA), and the Asian American Studies Department of San Francisco State University launched the Stop AAPI Hate reporting center on March 19, 2020. The center tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning, and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States.

Donate to the Asian Pacific Fund COVID-19 Recovery Fund

Since the start of the pandemic, nonprofits on the front lines have been tirelessly facing immense challenges. Thanks to the heartwarming generosity of numerous supporters, this fund was able to mobilize $1.25 million in 2020 and $1.1 million of it went directly to non-profits serving the most vulnerable Asians and Pacific Islanders. Click here to donate.

Donate to Welcome to Chinatown {New York, New York}

Welcome to Chinatown is a grassroots initiative to support Chinatown businesses and amplify community voices that generates much-needed momentum to preserve one of New York City’s most vibrant neighborhoods.

Donate to Send Chinatown Love {New York, New York}

Send Chinatown love is providing an online platform to low-tech, cash-only, Asian-owned small businesses that have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Support local merchants by making a donation or purchasing a voucher from them.

Donate or Volunteer with Asian Mental Health Collective

The Asian Mental Health Collective is building a community for Asian mental health support. They have resources, hotlines, and more.

Donate to The W.O.W. Project

The W.O.W Project is a community-based initiative that reinvents, preserves, and encourages Asian Americans’ creative culture and history through arts, culture, and activism. Located inside Wing On Wo & Co., the oldest continually-run family business in New York’s Chinatown, The W.O.W Project was established by fifth-generation store owner, Mei Lum, to bring concerns of a rapidly changing Chinatown into a resident-led space for intergenerational dialogue and action.

Donate or Volunteer with Mekong NYC

Mekong NYC aims to improve the quality of life of the Southeast Asian community in the Bronx and throughout New York City by achieving equity through community organizing and healing, promoting arts, culture, and language, and creating a safety net by improving access to essential social services. The Southeast Asian community in the Bronx primarily consists of Cambodian Americans and Vietnamese Americans.

Donate to the South Asian Americans Leading Together {SAALT}

South Asian Amer­i­cans Lead­ing Togeth­er (SAALT) is a nation­al, non­par­ti­san, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that fights for racial jus­tice and advo­cates for the civ­il rights of all South Asians in the Unit­ed States. Their ulti­mate vision is dig­ni­ty and full inclu­sion for all, and some of their goals include advo­cat­ing for just and equi­table pub­lic poli­cies at the nation­al and local lev­el; strength­en­ing grass­roots South Asian orga­ni­za­tions as cat­a­lysts for com­mu­ni­ty change; inform­ing and influ­enc­ing the nation­al dia­logue on trends impact­ing South Asian American com­mu­ni­ties.

Donate to CAAAV Organizing Asian American Communities

CAAAV was founded in 1986 by Asian women alarmed by the spike of hate violence on Asian communities and its root causes stemming from institutional racism in the United States. They have a model of base-building, leadership development, campaigns, alliances, and organizational development, and organize Asian communities to fight for institutional change, as well as participate in a broader movement towards racial, gender, and economic justice.

Donate or Volunteer with DRUM {Desis Rising Up and Moving}

DRUM – Desis Rising Up and Moving is a multigenerational, membership-led organization of South Asian and Indo-Caribbean immigrant workers and youth in New York City. Founded in 2000, DRUM has mobilized and built the leadership of thousands of low-income, South Asian and Indo-Caribbean immigrants to lead social and policy change that impacts their own lives- from immigrant rights to education reform, civil rights, and worker’s justice.

Support Local Asian-Owned Businesses

We are compiling a list and will be adding to it regularly. Stay tuned for updates.

Read More: Ways to Advocate for Racial Justice in the Black Community Locally 


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