In Washington state, it’s illegal to kill Bigfoot. Over in Colorado, it’s illegal to have a sofa outside. There are tons of absurd laws throughout the United States, including here in New Jersey — where we’re home to quite a few. Thinking about playing some bingo, taking your dog to the park, or maybe planting a tree? In some towns in NJ, you may have to think again. Read on to learn more about some of the most bizarre and absurd laws in New Jersey.
Absolutely no bingo before 1PM in Hoboken, NJ.
Thinking about getting a bingo game going on Sunday morning? Nope, no can do. In Hoboken, NJ, games of chance – including bingo – are prohibited at that time. Violators are subject to a $1,000 fine.
If you’re convicted of a DUI or reckless driving, it’s illegal for you to have custom plates in New Jersey.
If you’ve been convicted of driving under the influence or reckless driving in the past ten years, you can kiss your custom C-U-L8R plates goodbye.
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In Fanwood, NJ, dogs are prohibited from public parks.
Heading to the park in Fanwood? Make sure to leave your canine companion at home. “No dog, except a guide dog accompanying a blind or otherwise disabled person, is permitted in any public park of the Borough of Fanwood, regardless of whether such dog is controlled by a leash,” can be found in ordinance 118-23B in the Borough of Fanwood legislation — although residents have recently been campaigning to get rid of this rule.
It’s illegal to buy a car on Sunday in New Jersey.
Thinking about buying a car this weekend? You’ll have to plan for a Saturday. New Jersey is one of the 19 states that restricts and/or bans car sales on Sundays. This law stems from New Jersey’s blue laws which date back to the 1600s.
It is illegal to annoy someone of the opposite sex in Haddon, NJ.
Watch out and be sure not to annoy your neighbors! According to the Haddon Township legislation, it’s illegal to annoy someone of the opposite sex in public spaces.
It is illegal for trees to obscure the air in Blairstown, NJ.
According to legislation of Blairstown, “Trees shall be planted so as not to obscure light and air.” Light? Sure. Air? Not so sure.
It’s illegal to pump your own gas in New Jersey.
This one is no surprise. We all know that New Jerseyans are spoiled when it comes to our gas services. This ban began back in 1949. The only state with a similar law is Oregon — however, their rules are slightly less restrictive. In light of high gas prices, many are now calling on this law to change.
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Selling handcuffs to a minor is prohibited in New Jersey.
According to NJ Statute: 2C:39-9.2, selling handcuffs to a minor is against the law. “A person who sells handcuffs to a person under 18 years of age is guilty of a disorderly persons offense,” the statute reads. Major bummer to all the children who have handcuffs on their holiday wish list.
Residents of Raritan, NJ are not allowed to curse.
The law was approved by the Raritan council in 1994 that bans the use of profanity in public. Violators are subject to a $500 fine, a 90-day jail sentence, or both. However, a current councilman in Raritan is looking to overturn this outdated law according to New Jersey 101.5.